Saturday, October 24, 2015

Questions About Controversy

Questions About Controversy 

Prior to crafting a writing of public speech it is important to ask yourself questions regarding the topic. Below are a number of questions to help me figure out what I might still need to know for my controversy.
Geralt, "Board Questions Who What How Why Where" 5/15 via pixabay. Creative Commons Attribution.
  • 3 Questions about the WHO involved in the controversy?
    • Who was the main person or who was in the main team that was pioneering the field of genetic engineering?
    • Are there any specific examples of people who have tried genetic engineering on a real person? 
    • What stance has the greater United States Government taken on the controversy?
  • 3 Questions about WHAT is up for debate in the controversy? 
    • Is the debate specifically about genetic engineering or is it about a subsection of genetic engineering? 
    • What point is the concept of genetic engineering at now? (Is it even close to being able to occur on a real person? 
    • What is the majority of the proponents and opponents using for evidence in their arguments on the controversy?
  • 3 Questions about WHEN the controversy was unfolded? 
    • When did the controversy about genetic engineering begin to pick up steam in the world of research? 
    • What type of acceptance did the controversy receive at the time when thoughts about genetic engineering began?
    • How has the general consensus changed about genetic engineering over time? 
  • 3 Questions about WHERE this controversy has unfolded?
    • Where is the place that genetic engineering is having the most prominent research done? 
    • What is the culture surrounding this controversy in the place of origin? 
    • How has the research on the controversy spread over the country of origin and the world? 
  • 3 Questions about HOW the controversy has unfolded in the media? 
    • What type of coverage has there been on genetic engineering to the general public? 
    • Does the popular media usually portray genetic engineering in a positive or negative light?
    • What steps has scholarly media taken to help promote the positive ideas about genetic engineering? 

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