Friday, October 9, 2015

Practicing Summary & Paraphrase

Practicing Summary & Paraphrase 

Whenever a writer uses another author's ideas or words it is important that they are attributed correctly. An author can quote, summarize or paraphrase another author's words and ideas. Below is my practice exercise regarding summary and paraphrase. 

Jobadge. "#4IPC2010_wordle_tweets" 6/25/10 via flickr. Creative Commons Attribution

"The increasing power and accessibility of genetic technology may one day give parents the option of modifying their unborn children, in order to spare offspring from disease or, conceivably, make them tall, well muscled, intelligent or otherwise blessed with desirable traits."

My Paraphrase of Original Source:
In her article, "Genetically Engineered Babies? Experts Debate Idea of 'Designer Baby' Ban", Wynne Parry delves into the idea regarding the progression of time and advancement of science medicine relating to reproduction. She references that as this technology continues to improve and spread around the globe there will be a greater opportunity for expecting parents to manipulate their children's genes in order to make them genetically favorable through physical attributions as well as overall health. (Parry)

My Summary of Original Source: 
Genetic engineering will one day allow parents to choose which favorable traits they would like their children to have. 

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