Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thoughts On Drafting

Thoughts On Drafting 
Pacres, Jeffrey James. "Writing" 2/9/09 via Flickr. Creative Commons.
  • Helpful Topics: 
    • Writing Paragraphs in PIE form: I think that regardless of the fact that the genre is different of that than a classic essay the PIE format is very helpful. PIE incorporates the importance of Point, Illustration and Explanation which really leads to a well rounded paragraph. If a writer takes a specific point that is specified in the beginning of the paragraph, uses evidence to support the claim made and then explains how the evidence provides proof of the claim the reader will have a better view of the claim at hand. 
    • Organizing text is a very important component of presenting a subject for readers. Regardless of what genre a writer is writing in he or she needs to be sure to organize their information in an organized and methodical manner in order to convey its importance to the reader. By making the information purposeful through logos, pathos and ethos all working in compliment of one another the writer can make it easier for the reader to follow and understand. 
  • Less Helpful Topics: 
    • Writing a Thesis Statement: Due to the fact that we are composing writings in the QRG genre a thesis statement is a bit irrelevant. There isn't one sentence in which a QRG writer needs to summarize the main point because the whole writing should be about the most important parts of the topic. Rather than having a specific thesis like paragraph form writing should have this genre doesn't need a specific thesis. 
    • While having somewhat of an introduction is important in the QRG genre the introduction is more of a brief synopsis of the core of the issue at hand. For my QRG that is specifying what the TMT controversy is. The book writes of grabbing the readers attention, forecasting the direction and crafting a thesis statement but in the QRG genre there is no constant introduction necessitated at the beginning of each writing. 
    • The QRG genre doesn't have a specific conclusion paragraph like essay form writing usually does. It is common for the QRG auto to provide the potential future of the issue or an opinion on what will happen with the subject based on certain things but there isn't a review of what was written about in the article. Each section is its own and doesn't need to be reviewed at the end because a QRG is supposed to be a quick and easy read about subjects pertaining to mass audience rather than trying to persuade someone to believe why a writers claims are correct. 
Other classmates thoughts on drafting really gave me different ideas about what's important for the QRG genre. Austin and I had completely different ideas regarding what was important to the QRG from the reading and what wasn't and I think it's interesting to see how we each interpreted it. I learned that I think I need to put more hyperlinks in my QRG in order to increase my credibility as the author and give the readers more background. Jovanka and I had more similar ideas regarding helpful tips for the QRG and she brought up an important point about the illustration within the QRG. I had been thinking that the PIE method was helpful but I overlooked the idea that the QRG isn't supposed to have illustration of the author's ideas because it is more of an informative writing with solid facts to inform the readers about. 

Things to improve in my writing: 
  1.  I think I need to put more informative hyperlinks into my writing. 
  2. I need to add on to my current draft to make more sections with subheadings to provide more writing and go into a bit more depth on the TMT controversy. 
  3. I need to work on not putting too much illustration into my writing because I think often I fluff up the sections with illustrations and my thoughts which isn't completely appropriate for the QRG genre.


  1. I completely agree with you! I had the same thoughts about not needing a thesis,intro or conclusion. I also wrote about how the PIE format and organization was the most helpful.

  2. Illustrations are important, they just can't be the focal point of your writing. It's funny because I have too little illustrations within my QRG, so I need to find a good balance. And now, I have to fix that.

    Pray for me.

  3. We have a lot of similarities, like where we put the conclusion and thesis statement. I thought it was funny because I put PIE under the unhelpful category, but I still wrote of it as an important concept.
