Friday, September 4, 2015

My Controversy

My Controversy
There are many controversies being discussed in today's world. As someone who loves the Marvel comic movies I found it appropriate to read and analyze the controversy regarding the casting of the movie: "Fantastic Four".

The article on ScreenRant regarding the "Fantastic Four" movie discusses how there was much controversy in the casting for the movie because the first person casted was Michael B Jordan, a black actor. Many Marvel fans spoke out against this casting decision due to the fact that in the original comics the Human Torch, the character who Michael B Jordan would play, was not black. Because of this many of the fans partook in making ugly comments and spewing racist thoughts regarding the casting decision. The producer, Josh Trank, worked to smooth over the frustrations of older and less accepting fans of the comics but even with doing so there was still some back lash and hatred floating around the subject.

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