Thursday, September 3, 2015

Calendar Reflection

Calendar Reflection:
Too Much To Do In Too Little Time 

Having good time management skills is critical to staying organized in life. Having just started Freshman year in college and having the opportunity to write out a calendar gave me a good moment to step back and think about all of my responsibilities. The following is my analyzation of my seemingly packed daily schedule. 

Based off of the daily calendar I composed, most of my time not taken up by classes is in the afternoons. While Mondays and Fridays are relatively empty in terms of courses Tuesday through Thursday seems like it will be a marathon. Because of this I know that I will have to work diligently every weekend in order to not have loads of work to do on school nights in the middle of the week. I am also in a sorority which takes up each Sunday night and I allotted two hours a night to it in case of events and meetings. In addition to this, I had to figure out how to fit in working out, nannying hours AND studying. Based on the fact that I have so much going on I will definitely be doing quite a bit of studying on Mondays and Fridays during the day. I know that even though I don't have real classes those days I still need to spend just as much time, if not more, studying for all of my different classes. Of course I know I will incur quite a few late nights but I hope that if i work diligently in my time without other responsibilities then I will be able to manage it all well. 

Based off of my schedule of 15 units I will need to study at minimum 30 hours per week in the upcoming semester. In order to succeed I believe I will have to do 45 or closer to 60 hours a week. Based off of these calculations I will need to be diligent with my work and not procrastinate. This many hours each week will result in me having a night off each week, to do with what I want. I believe that if I write out my assignments each day and create a checklist with reminders about upcoming due dates of larger projects and tasks I will be able to keep track of everything I have to do and have the opportunity to do. 

Robicch."File:Teamwork software issue planner and Kanban.png" 6/18/13 via Wikimedia Commons.  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. 


Reading Betsy Volk's blog made me realize that we have pretty similar schedules with classes mostly in just a few days and then more free days in which to do homework. It's extremely nice to know that there's someone else who is also feeling the pressure of the sorority time commitment because in the first few weeks I have been finding it a bit hard to juggle. I think that it is definitely important to map out the amount of time you can allocate to extra curriculars and then from there determine how you can fit in your study time and everything. 

Aaron West's blog post on the other hand gave me insight on how a schedule with big breaks would work. I wasn't really thinking about doing homework when I made my schedule so there's quite a few breaks that are around 30 minutes which isn't enough time to study but too much time to walk from class to class. I like the idea of having these big breaks where you can sit down and get stuff done in order to finish up some of your studying and then continue on to your next class. I think this approach might make it more feasible for people to be able to go to bed earlier which is definitely something that I could use. When making my schedule for next semester I think I might keep this idea in mind so that I can be more efficient with my breaks and studying. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie Belle! I'm in Bottai's 12:30 class and was assigned to read and respond to your blog.

    1. I know that I personally find it hardest to do homework on days that I don't have many classes. Once I'm up and moving on my busier days, I think it's easier to just keep working. How did it go trying to do the bulk of your work on Mondays and Fridays when you didn't have many classes?

    2. You said in your "My Writing Process" blog post that you were more of a procrastinator. Were you able to change your writing/studying habits this semester, or did you find a way to make procrastination work for you?

    3. Do you think that planning out your schedule at the beginning of the semester for this blog post helped you plan for all of your classes, or did you stick to a strict schedule for this class and fit in other work wherever you had gaps?
